Why Quitting Becomes So Hard

Today on the Porn Is Dicey show: we watch more porn and pretend like we learned something new.

Or did we learn something new??? And why are there so many dice around me? Lore???

Hypersensitisation mothafucka

You have to work to become an addict basically. Once you’re really addicted and in the trap, you really have to work to get out.

I have used a decent amount of porn over the past 30 days. Not quite like the old days of once a day in the slightest. But enough for hypersensitisation to kick in.

30 days ago, I didn’t even ‘enjoy’ looking at porn. It gave me something, sure, but it really wasn’t very enjoyable at all.

The session I had today was honestly like doing drugs. When you know how, and your brain has adapted, you can extract a ridiculous amount of pleasure from your body. Your brain does need to adapt though, it isn’t possible otherwise.

I have fucking BEEN HERE BEFORE

Why the fuck did I start this blog? To get my thoughts out there onto the web, to write things down, to think my issues through, to make meaningful progress in a good direction. It has been useful.

I have now in a short period of time seen both sides of the sensitisation coin. I’ve been extremely far removed from the ‘pleasure brain matrix’ where watching porn seems like a waste of time and a mild curiosity. I’ve also been fully plugged in again perhaps worse than ever. It’s like my brain readapted and it hasn’t been doing this nearly as frequently recently so it really lets the pleasure chemicals go.

BUT, I know I’m going to be FUCKING FUCKITY FUCKED if I let porn take over fully again. I’d say I downgraded to normie levels of porn use over the past 30 days, which is a massive upgrade from super porn addict once a day me like I used to be.

But I know now that hypersensitisation is coming for my ass. Right now. As I write this.

As I continue to use porn more and more, the sessions become more frequent and more frequent. The vitality drains from my body. My thought processes degrade. I become a husk of my former self. My social skills bottom out to zero.

💉 Is porn like HEROIN or COCAINE? 💉

I haven’t done either drug and thank god I’m not hooked on those.

Heroin users describe the drug as a marvelous warm blanket that wraps around their body and makes themselves feel lovely and cosy inside, giving a sense of bliss.

Cocaine is like a huge body rush, full of energy and determination and confidence.

When unsensitised to porn, it’s like a mild curiosity. Kind of interesting really.

Sensitised to porn at least for me, porn is like heroin and cocaine at the same time. I’m not kidding, it’s probably why I’m so addicted sometimes.

Logically speaking it’s kind of obvious why it’s so easy to be hooked. Porn is free, it taps into a natural brain pathway for sexuality which is a huge priority for us as humans, and it’s always available anywhere you have internet. You can’t just not buy the drugs, they’re always there.

Like, no fucking shit this is so hard to quit for people. And the mental effects definitely creep up over time.

You are a drug addict

If your mindset is you want to use the drugs, you don’t want the long term benefits to cognition and mood, then yeah you are going to be doing drugs. You’re doing drugs when you use porn. You’re a drug addict.

When people quit drugs, it can take many years for their brains to fully heal. That’s why you feel no sexual anything when abstaining for a long time and go into a serious flatline.

If you have been using porn for a ridiculously long time, then you have never used your eyes before. There’s wonder beyond your comprehension that you have never experienced for a really long time.

So, you have an unlimited supply of free💉cocaroin💉next to you: a guide

You just keep saying no until the conditioning wears away. Then saying no becomes easier and easier. Repeat until clean.

It’s about choosing real cognition and real emotions over some false sick reality which makes you progressively miserable and depressed.

I haven’t vaped for 22 days now. It’s taken me probably this long to begin feeling the benefits of not vaping again, because it takes time to feel the positive effects. You are GOING TO feel crappy initially. You WILL feel better in the long run.

Just think, if your body can produce that much pleasure with hacky brain shit and the equivalent of drugs, imagine what can be done if you gear your brain and life toward genuine satisfaction and fulfillment.

But hey that’s just a theory

A Porn Is Dicey theory

Thanks for reading


I know I will relapse pretty quickly without making a committment in some form.

  1. I commit to a porn-free life
  2. I have this, I am the legendary Porn Is Dicey after all, porn quitter extraordinaire
  3. I need to see what’s on the other side
  4. You watch porn for a given amount of time and get questionable actual enjoyment out of it, and then suffer for all the time you are not watching it
  5. I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop
  6. How cool would it be to do a 180 from the cocaine session and rebound into a life of purity and sobriety
  7. How many fucking times do you have to write a list like this out should I make a template and embed it into every goddamn page

Pasting the same paragraph 17 times in a schizophrenic way to hammer the point home and use up more of that precious, precious neocities storage space which brings me closer to the end of the blog, which means I really ought to hurry up and quit this shit otherwise I won’t have any more space to write about the same fucking thing forever

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop

I can fucking guarantee, 100% chance, certain probability, mathematically proven that I will sink into the absolute tar pits of abyss and hell if I go back to how I was previously if I don’t stop